SSSH Board meeting Malmö, September 10, 2021
§1 Welcome
Everybody is very pleased to be able to meet in person.
§2 Finances
Ole accounts for the latest turns in opening up the account.
Papers for applications for Norwegian D-numbers for all board members are signed. A signed copy of the bylaws will be given to the bank.
We discuss to transfer the money to another bank as soon as we can. Since we are a non-profit organization there should be no taxes, but we must make sure that the procedures are in order.
The future income of the society will consist of:
- an annual fee of approximately 5€ from each member.
- a 50% of the surplus from future SSSH meetings, starting after Malm. 2022.
This will be stated in the bylaws.
The organization of a meeting is delegated to the respective national society and the board of SSSH must not necessarily have insight in the budget.
§3 SSSH 2022
Presentation of the preliminary program for the upcoming Malm. meeting.
Tour of the conference venue. The facilities are deemed to be appropriate and the lecture halls good.
§4 Bylaws
The new writing of the bylaws is scrutinized.
Important additions to the bylaws are:
- The financing, as stated in paragraph above.
- An Auditeur of the finances external to the Board shall be appointed at the general assembly.
The new bylaws are to be sent to the national societies for information and will held for a vote at the general assembly. . majority is needed to affirm the new by laws.
§5 General assembly
The agenda for the general assembly is discussed. We will try to make it as short as possible.
The mandatory paragraphs are stated in the bylaws.
We will present our plans for future financing.
We will hopefully have mentometers to investigate the interest in some of the suggested future ideas for SSSH stated in paragraph below.
The Cph meeting 2024 will be introduced.
An honorary member of SSSH is appointed and will be presented.
§6 Visions
Several ideas of how SSSH best can serve its purpose are discussed.
- Resident lecture series. Similar to the Manchester courses.
- Endorsement and promotion of courses.
- Organizing/delegating courses. Not as main organizers, but mainly to identify areas of interest where a Scandinavian course could be appreciated.
- Grants for courses/visits. Need an application system.
- Short fellowship visits and shorter visits for consultants. A closed webpage with contact information an information about what each department can offer.
- Information letter via a mailing list. Or via respective national society mailing list. Information twice a year about upcoming courses, grants and fellowships.
§7 Next meeting
Next meeting will be on Zoom Friday January 21, 2022, early afternoon.
Martin Clementson, President Ole Reigstad, Treasurer
Michel Boeckstyns Kristo Kask
Markus P..kk.nen